Apprentissage multi-tâches de données fonctionnelles :
Applications à la détection pour le sport de haut niveau

Arthur LEROY (MAP5 - Université de Paris)

Servane GEY (MAP5) - Jean-Francois TOUSSAINT (IRMES)

Pierre LATOUCHE (MAP5) - Benjamin GUEDJ (INRIA)

GTE MAP5 (version distanciation sociale) - 24/04/2019


Traditional talent identification:
\(\rightarrow\) Best young athlete + coach intuition

G. Boccia et al. (2017) :

\(\simeq\) 60% of 16 years old elite athletes do not maintain their level of performance

Philip E. Kearney & Philip R. Hayes (2018) :

\(\simeq\) only 10% of senior top 20 were also top 20 before 13 years


Performances from FF of Swimming members since 2002:

  • Irregular time series
  • Different number \(N_i\) of observations between individuals
  • Different observational timestamps \(t_i^k\)
  • \(N_i\) \(\simeq x \times10^1\)


Performances from FF of Swimming members since 2002:

  • Irregular time series
  • Different number \(N_i\) of observations between individuals
  • Different observational timestamps \(t_i^k\)
  • \(N_i\) \(\simeq x \times10^1\) | \(N\) \(= \sum\limits_{i=1}^{M}\) \(N_i\) \(\simeq x \times 10^5\)


Performances from FF of Swimming members since 2002:

  • Irregular time series
  • Different number \(N_i\) of observations between individuals
  • Different observational timestamps \(t_i^k\)
  • \(N_i\) \(\simeq x \times10^1\) | \(N\) \(= \sum\limits_{i=1}^{M}\) \(N_i\) \(\simeq x \times 10^5\)

Curves clustering

Functional data \(\simeq\) coefficients \(\alpha_k\) of B-splines functions:

\[y_i(t) = \sum\limits_{k=1}^{K}{\alpha_k B_k(t)}\]

Clustering: Algo FunHDDC (gaussian mixture + EM)
Bouveyron & Jacques - 2011

Using the multidimensional version : curve + derivative
\(\rightarrow\) Information about performance level and trend of improvement

Curve clustering

Leroy et al. - 2018

  • Different patterns of progression
  • Consistent groups for sport experts

Curve clustering

Leroy et al. - 2018

  • Different patterns of progression
  • Consistent groups for sport experts

New objectives

  • Prediction of the future values of the progression curve
    \(\rightarrow\) Functional regression
  • Quantification of prediction uncertainty
    \(\rightarrow\) Probabilistic framework

Gaussian process regression

Bishop - 2006 | Rasmussen & Williams - 2006

GPR : a kernel method to estimate \(f\) when:

\[y = f(x) +\epsilon\]

\(\rightarrow\) No restrictions on \(f\) but a prior probability:

\[f \sim \mathcal{GP}(0,C(\cdot,\cdot))\]

An example of exponential kernel for the covariance function: \[cov(f(x),f(x'))= C(x,x') = \alpha exp(- \dfrac{1}{2\theta^2} |x - x'|^2)\] Kernel definition \(\Rightarrow\) prefered properties on \(f\)


\(\textbf{y}_{N+1} = (y_1,...,y_{N+1})\) has the following prior density: \[\textbf{y}_{N+1} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, C_{N+1}), \ C_{N+1} = \begin{pmatrix} C_N & k_{N+1} \\ k_{N+1}^T & c_{N+1} \end{pmatrix}\]

When the joint density is gaussian, so does the conditionnal dentisty:

\[y_{N+1}|\textbf{y}_{N}, \textbf{x}_{N+1} \sim \mathcal{N}(k^T \color{red}{C_N^{-1}}\textbf{y}_{N}, c_{N+1}- k_{N+1}^T \color{red}{C_N^{-1}} k_{N+1})\]

  • Prediction: \(\hat{y}_{N+1} = \mathbb{E}[y_{N+1}|\textbf{y}_{N}, \textbf{x}_{N+1}]\)
  • Uncertainty: CI with \(\mathbb{V}[y_{N+1}|\textbf{y}_{N}, \textbf{x}_{N+1}]\)

Visualization of GPR

Key points:

  • Define a covariance function with desirable properties
  • Non parametric method giving probabilistic predictions
  • Complexity \(O(\color{red}{N^3})\) (inversion of a \(\color{red}{N} \times \color{red}{N}\) matrix)

GP estimation from data

Estimating a GP on each individuals (\(O(\color{green}{N_i^3})\)):

  • Uncertainty: Ok

GP estimation from data

Estimating a GP on each individuals (\(O(\color{green}{N_i^3})\)):

  • Uncertainty: Ok

GP estimation from data

Estimating a GP on each individuals (\(O(\color{green}{N_i^3})\)):

  • Uncertainty: Ok

GP estimation from data

Estimating a GP on each individuals (\(O(\color{green}{N_i^3})\)):

  • Uncertainty: Ok

GP estimation from data

Estimating a GP on each individuals (\(O(\color{green}{N_i^3})\)):

  • Uncertainty: Ok

Reaching a coherent modeling

Estimating a GP on each individuals (\(O(\color{green}{N_i^3})\)):

  • Uncertainty: Ok
  • Coherence: Improvement required

\(\rightarrow\) Using the shared information between individuals (GPR-ME)

The GPFR model

Shi & Wang - 2008 | Shi & Choi - 2011

\[y_i(t) = \mu_0(t) + f_i(t) + \epsilon_i\] with:

  • \(\mu_0(t) = \sum\limits_{k =1}^{K} \alpha_k \mathcal{B}_k(t)\) with \((\mathcal{B}_k)_k\) a spline basis
  • \(f_i(\cdot) \sim \mathcal{GP}(0, \Sigma_{\theta_i}(\cdot,\cdot)), \ f_i \perp \!\!\! \perp\)
  • \(\epsilon_i \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2), \ \epsilon_i \perp \!\!\! \perp\)

GPFDA R package


  • No uncertainty about \(\mu_0\)
  • Does not allow irregular time series

An extension to GPFR

\[y_i(t) = \mu_0(t) + f_i(t) + \epsilon_i\] with:

  • \(\mu_0(\cdot) \sim \mathcal{GP}(m_0, K_{\theta_0}(\cdot,\cdot))\)
  • \(f_i(\cdot) \sim \mathcal{GP}(0, \Sigma_{\theta_i}(\cdot,\cdot)), \ f_i \perp \!\!\! \perp\)
  • \(\epsilon_i \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma_i^2), \ \epsilon_i \perp \!\!\! \perp\)

It follows that:

\[y_i(\cdot) \vert \mu_0 \sim \mathcal{GP}(\mu_0(\cdot), \Sigma_{\theta_i}(\cdot,\cdot) + \sigma^2), \ y_i \vert \mu_0 \perp \!\!\! \perp\]

\(\rightarrow\) Shared information through \(\mu_0\) and its uncertainty
\(\rightarrow\) Unified non parametric probabilistic framework
\(\rightarrow\) Effective even for irregular time series


\(\textbf{y} = (y_1^1,\dots,y_i^k,\dots,y_M^{N_M})^T\)
\(\textbf{t} = (t_1^1,\dots,t_i^k,\dots,t_M^{N_M})^T\)
\(\Theta = \{ \theta_0, (\theta_i)_i, \sigma_i^2 \}\)

\(\Sigma\): covariance matrix from the process \(f_i\) evaluated on \(\textbf{t}\)

\(\Sigma = \left[ \Sigma_{\theta_i}(t_i^k, t_j^l)_{(i,j), (j,l)} \right]\)

\(\Psi = \Sigma + \sigma_i^2 Id_N\)

Bayes’ law is the new Bible

Reminder of its simple definition:

\[ \mathbb{P}(T \vert D) = \dfrac{\mathbb{P}(D \vert T) \mathbb{P}(T)}{\mathbb{P}(D)} \] Powerful implication when it comes to learning from data:

  • \(\mathbb{P}(T)\), probability of your theory, what you think a priori
  • \(\mathbb{P}(D \vert T)\), probability of data if theory is true, likelihood
  • \(\mathbb{P}(D)\), probability that your data occur, norm. constant

Bayes’ law tells you how and what you should learn on theory T according to data D:

\(\rightarrow \mathbb{P}(T \vert D)\), what you should think a posteriori Computational burden, among solutions: empirical Bayes

Learning HP and \(\mu_0\) : an EM algorithm

Step E: Computing the posterior (knowing \(\Theta\))

\[ \begin{align} p(\mu_0(\textbf{t}) \vert \textbf{t}, \textbf{y}, \Theta) &\propto p(\textbf{y} \vert \textbf{t}, \mu_0(\textbf{t}), \Theta) \ p(\mu_0(\textbf{t}) \vert \textbf{t}, \Theta) \\ &\propto \mathcal{N}( \mu_0(\textbf{t}), \Psi) \ \mathcal{N}(m_0, K) \\ &= [Insert \ here \ some \ PhD \ student \ ideas] \\ &= \mathcal{N}( \hat{\mu}_0(\textbf{t}), \hat{K}) \end{align} \]

Step M: Estimating \(\Theta\) (knowing \(p(\mu_0)\))

\[\hat{\Theta} = \underset{\Theta}{\arg\max} \ \mathbb{E}_{\mu_0} [ \log \ p(\textbf{y}, \mu_0(\textbf{t}) \vert \textbf{t}, \Theta ) \ \vert \Theta]\]

    Initialize hyperparameters
    while(sufficient condition of convergence){
    Iterate alternatively steps E and M}

A picture is worth 1000 words

\(\mathbb{E} \left[ \mu_0(\textbf{t}) \vert Data \right] \pm CI_{0.95}\)

Iteration counter : 0

A picture is worth 1000 words

\(\mathbb{E} \left[ \mu_0(\textbf{t}) \vert Data \right] \pm CI_{0.95}\)

Iteration counter : 1

A picture is worth 1000 words

\(\mathbb{E} \left[ \mu_0(\textbf{t}) \vert Data \right] \pm CI_{0.95}\)

Iteration counter : 2

A picture is worth 1000 words

\(\mathbb{E} \left[ \mu_0(\textbf{t}) \vert Data \right] \pm CI_{0.95}\)

Iteration counter : 4

A picture is worth 1000 words

\(\mathbb{E} \left[ \mu_0(\textbf{t}) \vert Data \right] \pm CI_{0.95}\)

Iteration counter : 5

A picture is worth 1000 words

\(\mathbb{E} \left[ \mu_0(\textbf{t}) \vert Data \right] \pm CI_{0.95}\)

Iteration counter : 6 \(\rightarrow\) break and return

Coupure pub

Petit jeu concours pour savoir qui sont ceux qui suivent et ceux qui scrollent sur Facebook :

L’orateur a oublié de sortir un graph et a donc sauté une itération.

Saurez vous retrouver laquelle ?


\(\rightarrow\) Une bière pour le vainqueur. Un jour. Peut être.

Making predictions

\[ \forall i, \ \ y_i(t) = \mu_0(t) + f_i(t) + \epsilon_i \] Suppose that, after the learning step, you observe data from a new individual \(\star\). Multitask learning consists in improving performance by sharing information across individuals.

Also recall that if \(p(y_*(\textbf{t}), y_*(t^{new})) = \mathcal{N}( \begin{bmatrix} m_*^{\textbf{t}} \\ m_*^{new} \\ \end{bmatrix}, \begin{pmatrix} \Psi_*^{\textbf{t},\textbf{t}} & \Psi_*^{\textbf{t},new} \\ \Psi_*^{new,\textbf{t}} & \Psi_*^{new,new} \end{pmatrix})\)

GP prediction’s formula gives:

\[\begin{align} p(y_*(t^{new}) \vert y_*(\textbf{t})) &=\mathcal{N} \big( m_*^{new} + \Psi_*^{new,\textbf{t}} {\Psi_*^{\textbf{t},\textbf{t}}}^{-1} (y_*(\textbf{t}) - m_*^{\textbf{t}}); \\ & \hspace{1.2cm} \Psi_*^{new,new} - \Psi_*^{new,\textbf{t}} {\Psi_*^{\textbf{t},\textbf{t}}}^{-1} \Psi_*^{\textbf{t},new} \big) \end{align}\]

Making predictions

Multitask regression : conditioning on observations Incertitude on the mean process : integrate over \(\mu_0\)

\[\begin{align} p(y_* \vert \textbf{y}) &= \int p(y_*, \mu_0 \vert \textbf{y}) \ d \mu_0\\ &\underbrace{=}_{Bayes \heartsuit} \int p(y_* \vert \textbf{y}, \mu_0) p(\mu_0 \vert \textbf{y}) \ d \mu_0\\ &\underbrace{=}_{(y_i \vert \mu_0)_i \perp \!\!\! \perp} \int p(y_* \vert \mu_0) p(\mu_0 \vert \textbf{y}) \ d \mu_0 \\ &= \mathcal{N}( \hat{\mu}_0, \hat{K} + \Psi) \end{align}\]

A gif is worth \(10^9\) words

  • Same data, same hyperparameters from learning
  • Standard GP (left) | Our Multitask GP (right)

A gif is worth \(10^9\) words

We talked about clustering, did we ?

Assumption : 1 underlying mean process might be strong
\(\rightarrow\) Mixture model of multitask GP:

\[\forall i , \forall k , \ \ y_i(t) \vert (Z_{ik} = 1) = \mu_k(t) + f_i(t) + \epsilon_i\] with:

  • \(Z_{i} \sim \mathcal{M}(1, \pi)\)
  • \(\mu_k(\cdot) \sim \mathcal{GP}(m_k, K_{\theta_0}(\cdot,\cdot))\)
  • \(f_i(\cdot) \sim \mathcal{GP}(0, \Sigma_{\theta_i}(\cdot,\cdot)), \ f_i \perp \!\!\! \perp\)
  • \(\epsilon_i \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma_i^2), \ \epsilon_i \perp \!\!\! \perp\)

It follows that:

\[y_i(\cdot) \vert (\mu_k)_k, \pi \sim \sum\limits_{k=1}^K{\pi_k \ \mathcal{GP}(\mu_k(\cdot), \Psi_i)}, \ y_i \vert (\mu_k)_k, \pi \perp \!\!\! \perp\]

Learning \((\mu_k)_k, (Z_i)_i\) and HPs : VEM

Posterior dependencies \((\mu_k)_k\) and \((Z_i)_i\) \(\rightarrow\) variational EM

Step E:

Approximation assumption: \(r(\mu, Z) = r(\mu)p(Z)\)
True likelihood becomes : \(\mathcal{L}(model) = \mathcal{L}(r(\mu, Z)) + KL \big( r(\mu, Z) \vert \vert p(\mu, Z \vert \textbf{y})\big)\)

Step M:

\(\mathcal{L}(r(\mu, Z))\) provides a lower bound for LL maximization
Then buisiness as usual

\(\rightarrow\) Each step is proved to increase likelihood. Repeat until convergence.

Did I mention that I like gifs ?

Why probabilistic prediction is better ?

Making a prediction is \(\mathbb{P}(\)saying something wrong\() \simeq 1\).
A probabilistic prediction tells you how much:


  • Improve and release the package

  • Enable association with sparse GP approximations

  • Integrate to the app and launch tests with FFN

  • Maybe multivariate functional regression

  • If you have another idea, let’s work on that together

  • Write down a thesis. Someday.


Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning - Bishop - 2006
Gaussian processes for machine learning - Rasmussen & Williams - 2006
Curve prediction and clustering with mixtures of Gaussian process […] - Shi & Wang - 2008
Gaussian Process Regression Analysis for Functional Data - Shi & Choi - 2011
Nonparametric Bayesian Mixed-effect Model: a Sparse […] - Wang & Khardon - 2012
Career Performance Trajectories in Track and Field Jumping Events […] - Boccia & al - 2017
Efficient Bayesian hierarchical functional data analysis […] - Yang & al - 2017
Excelling at youth level in competitive track and field […] - Kearney & Hayes - 2018
Functional Data Analysis in Sport Science: Example of Swimmers’ […] - Leroy & al. - 2018

A cat gif is priceless