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Multi-Means Gaussian Processes: A novel probabilistic framework for multi-correlated longitudinal data

Arthur Leroy - Department of Computer Science, The University of Manchester

joint work with

- Mauricio Alvarez - Department of Computer Science, The University of Manchester

- Dennis Wang - Department of Computer Science, The University of Sheffield

- Ai Ling Teh - Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences

ADSAI - Manchester - 20/06/2022


Gaussian processes are elegant and well-suited tools for modelling longitudinal data. Nowadays, it is generally straightforward to:

  • Fit a GP on functional or high frequency data (sparse approximations)
  • Handle a few correlated time series (LMC, Multi-Output GPs, …)

However, are we able to deal with millions of correlated time series simultaneously?

For our current project, we observe:

  • \(\color{blue}{M} \simeq 300\) individuals,
  • with \(\color{red}{P} \simeq 700 000\) gene-related time series each,
  • observed over \(N \simeq 10\) timestamps.

Context: illustration

Multi-task GP with common mean (Magma)

Leroy et al. - Magma: Inference and Prediction using Multi-Task Gaussian Processes with Common Mean - Machine Learning - 2022

\[y_i = \mu_0 + f_i + \epsilon_i\]


\(\mu_0 \sim \mathcal{GP}(m_0, K_{\theta_0}),\) \(f_i \sim \mathcal{GP}(0, \Sigma_{\theta_i}),\) \(\epsilon_i \sim \mathcal{GP}(0, \sigma_i^2), \ \perp \!\!\! \perp_i.\)

It follows that:

\[y_i \mid \mu_0 \sim \mathcal{GP}(\mu_0, \Sigma_{\theta_i} + \sigma_i^2 I), \ \perp \!\!\! \perp_i\]

\(\rightarrow\) Unified GP framework with a common mean process \(\mu_0\), and individual-specific process \(f_i\),

\(\rightarrow\) Naturaly handles irregular grids of input data.

Hyper-parameters and \(\mu_0\)’s hyper-posterior are learned thanks to an EM algorithm.

A GIF is worth a thousand² words

Sharing information across tasks through a common latent process to provide a well-informed mean function for prediction.

Magma + Clustering = MagmaClust

Leroy et al. - Cluster-Specific Predictions with Multi-Task Gaussian Processes - 2020

A unique underlying mean process might be too restrictive.

\(\rightarrow\) Mixture of multi-task GPs:

\[y_i \mid \{\color{green}{Z_{ik}} = 1 \} = \mu_{\color{green}{k}} + f_i + \epsilon_i\]


  • \(\mu_{\color{green}{k}} \sim \mathcal{GP}(m_{\color{green}{k}}, \color{green}{C_{\gamma_{k}}})\ \perp \!\!\! \perp_{\color{green}{k}}, \ \ f_i \sim \mathcal{GP}(0, \Sigma_{\theta_i}), \ \epsilon_i \sim \mathcal{GP}(0, \sigma_i^2), \ \perp \!\!\! \perp_i,\)
  • \(\color{green}{Z_{i}} \sim \mathcal{M}(1, \color{green}{\boldsymbol{\pi}}), \ \perp \!\!\! \perp_i.\)

It follows that:

\[y_i \mid \{ \boldsymbol{\mu} , \color{green}{\boldsymbol{\pi}} \} \sim \sum\limits_{k=1}^K{ \color{green}{\pi_k} \ \mathcal{GP}\Big(\mu_{\color{green}{k}}, \Psi_i^\color{green}{k} \Big)}, \ \perp \!\!\! \perp_i\]

An image is still worth many words

Implemented as an R package MagmaClustR:

Multi-Means Gaussian processes

Different sources of correlation might exist in the data (e.g. multiple genes and individuals)

\[y_{\color{blue}{i}\color{red}{j}} = \mu_{0} + f_\color{blue}{i} + g_\color{red}{j} + \epsilon_{\color{blue}{i}\color{red}{j}}\]


  • \(\mu_{0} \sim \mathcal{GP}(m_{0}, {C_{\gamma_{0}}}), \ f_{\color{blue}{i}} \sim \mathcal{GP}(0, \Sigma_{\theta_{\color{blue}{i}}}), \ \epsilon_{\color{blue}{i}\color{red}{j}} \sim \mathcal{GP}(0, \sigma_{\color{blue}{i}\color{red}{j}}^2), \ \perp \!\!\! \perp_i\)
  • \(g_{\color{red}{j}} \sim \mathcal{GP}(0, \Sigma_{\theta_{\color{red}{j}}})\)

Key idea for training: define \(\color{blue}{M}+\color{red}{P} + 1\) different hyper-posterior distributions for \(\mu_0\) by conditioning over the adequate sub-sample of data.

\[p(\mu_0 \mid \{y_{\color{blue}{i}\color{red}{j}} \}_{\color{blue}{i} = 1,\dots, \color{blue}{M}}) = \mathcal{N}\Big(\mu_{0}; \ \hat{m}_{\color{red}{j}}, \hat{K}_\color{red}{j} \Big), \ \forall \color{red}{j} \in 1, \dots, \color{red}{P}\]

\[p(\mu_0 \mid \{y_{\color{blue}{i}\color{red}{j}} \}_{\color{red}{j} = 1,\dots, \color{red}{P}}) = \mathcal{N}\Big(\mu_{0}; \ \hat{m}_{\color{blue}{i}}, \hat{K}_\color{blue}{i} \Big), \forall \color{blue}{i} \in 1, \dots, \color{blue}{M} \]

\[p(\mu_0 \mid \{y_{\color{blue}{i}\color{red}{j}} \}_{\color{red}{j} = 1,\dots, \color{red}{P}}^{\color{blue}{i} = 1,\dots, \color{blue}{M}}) = \mathcal{N}\Big(\mu_{0}; \ \hat{m}_{0}, \hat{K}_0 \Big).\]

Multi-Means GPs: an adaptive prediction

Multi-Means GPs: an adaptive prediction

Answer to the \(\mathbb{P}(\)first question\() \approx 1\)

\(\rightarrow\) All methods scale linearly with the number of tasks.

\(\rightarrow\) Parallel computing can be used to speed up training.

Overall, the computational complexity is:

  • Magma: \[ \mathcal{O}(M\times N_i^3 + N^3) \]
  • MagmaClust: \[ \mathcal{O}(M\times N_i^3 + K \times N^3) \]
  • Multi-Means Gaussian Processes: \[ \mathcal{O}(M \times P \times N_{ij}^3 + (M + P) \times N^3) \]

Thank you for your attention

Appendix: Clustering and prediction performances

Appendix: MagmaClust, remaining clusters